Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Dalai Lama Says ... :Thanksgiving Edition

"The roots of all goodness lie in the soil of appreciation for goodness"

I read this quote just the other day. Since it is the season of giving thanks, I've been thinking about all the things for which I am appreciative this year. Usually, I would say something like, "my friends, my family, my health ...". Often times, when we say we're thankful for something, we're actually saying that we're grateful for the lack of problems in these areas. For example, " my friends aren't dead, my family is somewhat functional, and my health isn't deteriorating rapidly". Maybe it's just me, but I think my thankfulness is usually about an absence of badness, rather than an abundance of goodness.

Dear readers, this is the year it changes. Rather than thinking, "Thank goodness it didn't all go to hell this year", I'm going to focus on the very wise words of H.H. the Dalai Lama and really concentrate on all the genuine goodness that surrounds me. It's been a good year in my fair corner of the world...

I have wonderful friends, inspiring individuals, one and all - they are falling in love and getting married and staying married and having babies and getting books published and graduating school and teaching school. Signs of love and growth abound.

I have about a billion nieces and nephews (okay, not a billion, more like two dozen or so) who are growing up into fascinating people, with opinions and expressions all their own.

I have my five senses (some sharper than others) which make my days full of colors and sounds and smells and tastes and textures that enhance each moment.

I have experienced many emotions this year that have all led to personal growth and a truer understanding of who I am. This may perhaps be the thing for which I am most thankful.

I also appreciate several things that are admittedly less meaningful, but still good - the newest Velvet Revolver album, for example. The taco cart on Queens Blvd and 40th Street, the Green Market in Sunnyside, the vanilla bean french toast at La Flor ... and yes I did notice that three of the four things on this list have to do with food. Which is apropos, since Thanksgiving is all about being grateful and stuffing ourselves silly. (Oh, I am also grateful for my step-father who taught me the word "apropos" when I was seven)

What goodness do you appreciate, dearest readers?

1 comment:

Be Square Design said...

Starting with most recent events, I am greatful for the grean bean casserole recipe I just printed off, because as simple as it is, God knows I'd find some way to screw it up and my attempts would be scorned by family members...crisis averted. But more importantly, I am thankful for the lengths I've come this year, and for the people who helped me get there. I'm thankful that I'm starting to figure out the real importance of life and for the capacity of genuine care and love that often gets stomped down by less significant things. Oh, they're telling me to wrap it up, uh, I'd like to thank my new friend yoga, "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles" for getting my Thanksgiving off to a great start, my cats, and my new curtains for keeping the sun from burning my retinas in the morning. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!