Thursday, November 1, 2007

I Remember Now

Yesterday, I was on the ol' Q32 on my way home. An adorable older couple got on. They'd been shopping at Bloomingdale's. There were no seats available and about 5 people jumped up to offer them theirs. The couple graciously accepted two of the offers and then smiled at and thanked everyone who was looking in their direction. We all nodded and smiled and thanked the people who had jumped up and offered their seats. Then we all smiled some more.

THIS is why I live here, I thought. You can have a rough week in New York, but then something happens that reminds you of why New York is so great. Living in a big city like ours provides so many opportunities to witness random acts of kindness. And, gosh, that makes you feel good.

Oh, New York, how I love thee ... sorry I doubted you.


Virgil said...

That's new york; it's just like real life, only there's a lot more of it.

Dee said...

Half smile when you first wake up in the morning.
Half smile during your free moments.
Half-smile when listening to music.
Half smile when irritated
Follow your breath.

-Thich Nhat Hanh

Thanks V.

This is all making me think. What a refreshing blog. I have some mantras, but I've walked away from what I knew as prayer not because I don't believe in 'something' but because like you experienced, it was connected to an unloving religion. I'm into self soothing mantras during times of fear like "We are all going to die old in our beds surrounded by friends and family." (Lorraine Restivo, HMI's Family Cns said this) or "If I just lay still, my body and mind will get the rest it needs." (My dad would say this when I could't sleep) Regarding original prayers, they may have been onto something about not babbling mindless prayers that ended up having no meaning like I was taught to do, but jeeze thats a lot of pressure on anyone let alone a little kid to come up with such sexy prayers all the time.
I watched the sun rise on the discovery channel at Tanya's house this morning, that was a prayer, listening to the birds, watching the rippling water. I think noticing and appreciating can be a prayer.

I don't know said...

Gee, thanks Dee. I like being refreshing.